Monthly Archives: October 2017


Pipe Repair | How to Know When Your Pipes Need Restoration?

This is an example of a bad cooper pipe in need of desperate pipe repair.  Knowing when to repair your pipes could save you thousands of dollars in property damages. Pipe Repair | How to Know When Your Pipes Need Restoration? Whether you are a home owner, property manager or own a commercial [...]

2020-04-20T05:56:10+00:00October 27th, 2017|

Plumbers Guide | Choosing The Right Plumber For Your Pipe Restoration

The Right Plumber When pipes spring a leak who do we call? There are thousands of plumbing companies to choose from, with varying degrees of experience.  Some reliable while other not so much, but how do we know which ones are the right plumbers? The right plumber not only needs to be professional, friendly, and [...]

2020-04-20T05:56:11+00:00October 20th, 2017|

CuraFlo’s CIPP Lining System Restores Failing Pipes in Maui, Hawaii

Hawaii Maui getting the CIPP Lining System treatment for their pipe systems. The CuraFlo CIPP (Cured-in-place-pipe) Lining System solution restores pipe systems without the need for structural demolition and restoration. CuraFlo needed a technique that had equal results that would work for sewer pipelines and domestic water lines that have external corrosion.   The [...]

2020-04-20T05:56:11+00:00October 13th, 2017|
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