Monthly Archives: December 2017


Considering the Water Treatment System?

Considering Water Treatment System? Wondering if it can solve your building’s pinhole leak issues?   CuraFloWT – The answer to your building’s plumbing issues. Often Water Treatment Service providers suggest that changing water chemistry can reduce the number of leaks but never back their claims with a strong warranty. They also commonly lock building [...]

2020-04-20T05:56:09+00:00December 15th, 2017|

What is Hard Water Compared to Soft Water? The Facts | CuraFlo

What is Hard Water? Hard Water refers to water rich in calcium, magnesium and other minerals and has higher PH than Soft Water. When compared to Soft Water, Hard Water is the complete opposite of Soft Water. Soft Water is known to be water that comes from rainfall with low concentration of minerals and has [...]

2020-04-20T05:56:10+00:00December 1st, 2017|
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