Our Flagship Formulation: CuraPoxy® – An Industry Leader in Both Quality and Safety.
CuraFlo® secures certifications with various regulatory bodies to ensure that its processes and epoxies are the best and safest in the industry. For example, for domestic water, depending on the length of pipe being lined, CuraPoxy® or CuraPoxy® LS may be used. These formulas are variations that have different curing times. After inspection, our special formula results in the smoothest/ most evenly lined finish in the industry resulting in improved water flow to plumbing fixtures.
Discover the CuraFlo CuraPoxy® Advantage
Minimal disruption to residents. Whether we’re working on the interior pipes of a building or a water main on the street, we can complete the job with minimal demolition or excavation. There is no need for residents to vacate their homes during a CuraFlo project. A more permanent solution. With epoxy lining, we are eliminating the cause of the corrosion, and extending the life of the pipe. You can expect an epoxy-lined pipe to last 50-60 years. A more cost-effective solution during the job and after. Lining the pipes will save you 30-40% over replacement. In case there is presence of Hazmat in the building then cost savings can be greater than 50% compared to repipe. Better water quality. Epoxy lining provides residents clean, safe water, free from the hazards of corrosion. A better warranty. With pipe replacement, the typical warranty is just a 2 year warranty/plus whatever, the pipe and fittings manufacturer offers for a Warranty. CuraFlo offers a 10 year warranty on the newly lined/upgraded system.
Apply once, check back in 50 years

Click below to learn more about the CuraFlo – CuraPoxy® Advantage & the Material Safety Data Sheets.
NSF / ANSI Standard 61

- Safe to use for drinking water
- Approved for use in commercial and industrial buildings (water temperature up to 180*F)
- Cures in 5 hours, which makes it possible for water services to return within the same day

Did you know?
To repipe a typical 15-story, 120 unit high-rise multi-tenant/family building would require replacement approximately 6,000 feet or 4,000 pounds of copper pipe or half that if a plastic pipe system is being used. This is not only extremely costly and intrusive to residents, it also generates an enormous amount of waste that ends up in landfills.